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How to Learn to Code with Python


In todays blog post I will be talking about how to learn to code(especially with python programming language), and I will point out the best way to learn to code according to my experience.

1 - Consistency/Code daily

Consistency is very important when you are learning a new language. making a commitment to code every day is really helpful. It may be hard to believe, but muscle memory plays a large part in programming. Committing to coding everyday will really help develop that muscle memory. Though it may seem daunting at first, consider starting small with 25 minutes everyday and working your way up from there.

2 - Take Notes

As you progress on your journey as a new programmer, you may wonder if you should be taking notes. Yes, you should! In fact, research suggests that taking notes by hand is most beneficial for long-term remembrance. Once you start working on small or big projects and programs, writing by hand can also help you plan your code before you move to the computer and also can help you when debugging your codes.

3 - Create Projects

when learning to code you need to create projects and other small programs to help you get used to the language, and also help you get used to the logic behind coding.
So creating projects even though they are from youtube tutorials will make you understand the concept of working on real world projects or projects that are original (meaning projects that you taught of by yourself not one that was copied from a YOUTUBE tutorial).

4 - Take a break

Taking a break is very vital for every programmer beginner or advanced because as a beginner it helps you take in all the new information that you just learnt and The Pomodoro Technique is widely used and can help: you work for 25 minutes, take a short break of about 5 minutes, and then repeat the process. Taking breaks is critical to having an effective study session, particularly when you are taking in a lot of new information.

Breaks are especially important when you are debugging. If you hit a bug and can’t quite figure out what is going wrong, take a break. Step away from your computer, go for a walk, or chat with a friend.

In programming, your code must follow the rules of a language and logic exactly, so even missing a quotation mark will break everything. Fresh eyes make a big difference.

Learn more about python from the Python official website


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