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Encryption and cryptography are 2 topics that are thought to be the same but I am about to tell you why they are not the same.



Encryption is the practice of concealing data or information in such a way that it appears random and can be accessed by authorized parties only. 

Encryption is the main application of cryptography.

Encryption is very important to modern data security, mainly digital signatures and to protect sensitive electronic data e.g emails and passwords.

It is also basically uses algorithm to encrypt the data and a secret key to decrypt.



cryptography is the practice of securing information by transforming it into a secured format for transmission across insecure networks.

It is the art of creating codes using the techniques of encryption and decryption.

Its is widely used in electronic commerce, military communications, and chip-based card payments,  digital currencies e.g cryptocurrency. 

It provides methods of protecting data through encryption and related processes.

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